
What is Airport Assistance?

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What is Airport Assistance?

What is Airport Assistance and why is it so important?

Many young flyers are experienced enough to fly on their own but parents still worry about them navigating airports especially security, getting to their departure gate on time, clearing immigration, finding their bags and spending hours on their own in ther airport.  Heathrow can be a particular challenge especially if transferring to or from a UK regional airport.  We know how stressful it can be especially when flights aren’t on time.  We can offer you piece of mind with our Airport Assistance service which includes airside assistance as well as the usual checkin and meet and greet service.

If your child isn’t flying as an Unaccompanied Minor (UM) then Airport Assistance is ideal as they can be escorted airside through the airport so they aren’t on their own.  Our experienced Airport Assistance chaperones deal directly with airlines and drivers.  Their support is critical if the best made plans go wrong.  You can book the service for departure, transfer and arrival flights and Heathrow Airport Assistance is very popular with parents ensuring their child’s airport experience is safe, smooth and stress-free.  We can also support landside with check-in and meet and greet if that’s all you want.

What does Airport Assistance include?

Airport Assistance can help your child throughout their airport journey – both landside and airside. Landside refers to the areas of the airport that the public have access to, even if they are not flying. Airside refers to the areas of the airport like security and passport control that can only be accessed by flying passengers. Our Airport Assistance team have the highest airside security clearance so can support passengers through the airport.



In the airport:

Let us help you ensure your child is safe and supported whatever happens at the airport.  Choose the level of support you require and confirm with our guardianship team so we can conifrm availability as soon as possible.

Make sure your child is prepared for the journey by reading our blog for tips on travelling safely to the UK.

This article appears in the following categories  FAQs & Resources, Guardianship, Students

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