
Academic support at UK boarding schools

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Academic support at UK boarding schools

Making the most of your child’s UK education

Whether your child is already at a UK boarding school or is hoping to attend one in the future, we’re sure you want them to get the best out of their British education. One important aspect of their school experience is academia – and we are here to help ensure your child achieves their best! There are lots of academic support options available at British boarding schools. Academic Families can recommend and organise these services to support your child’s success.

Choosing the best boarding school for your child

The first step to helping your child succeed is finding the right boarding school for them. Children learn in different ways and schools reflect this. There are hundreds of boarding schools in the UK, many of which use different teaching methods to engage with different ways of learning.

When looking at UK boarding schools, we understand the importance of finding the right match for your child. If you’re worried that your child might struggle academically, then contact Academic Families and let us know! Academic Families is partnered with more than 450 schools in the UK, so our experts can help you choose the best boarding school for your child.

What academic support is available at UK boarding schools?

There are many different forms of academic support that are available at boarding schools in the UK. Here are just a few examples:

Subject teachers

If a student is finding a specific subject difficult at school, then we recommend speaking to their subject teacher. Teachers want students to do well so will do everything they can to help students who are struggling.


If a student still needs a bit of extra help with a subject, Academic Families can arrange a personal tutor for one-on-one academic support. Tutoring generally takes place outside of school hours and students can choose between online tutoring and in-person tutoring.

English course

We understand that it can be difficult trying to understand everything in a language that isn’t your own. International students don’t need to worry if they are struggling with their English! Many UK boarding schools have English as an Additional Language (EAL) classes to help students get up to speed. Academic Families can also recommend English language courses to strengthen your child’s language skills and help them build their confidence.

Learning Support

UK boarding schools generally have Learning Support departments or staff members who assist students with additional learning needs. These departments offer a supportive environment for students with specific learning difficulties, but often they also have lots of great resources which are useful to everyone – study tips and exam techniques are particularly helpful!


When a new student starts boarding school, they are often paired up with a buddy. A buddy is another student who has been at the school for longer. Your child’s buddy can help show them around their new school, answer any questions they might have and can also point them in the right direction if they are struggling with their school work.

Exam revision course

When exam season is approaching, many boarding schools run exam revision courses during the Easter holidays which focus on exam techniques and prepare students for British school exams.

Academic Families guardian

If you choose Academic Families as your child’s guardian, we can attend parents’ meetings on your behalf and manage your child’s feedback and reports. We can follow up on any issues that arise, and help ensure your child’s success.

Short prep course

There are also pre-enrollment or prep courses that take place just before the start of the school year – these are ideal for students who want to get a taste of boarding school life before beginning in September. There are a variety of prep courses available – some focusing on academia or English language – but Academic Families can talk you through the options and recommend the best course for your child.

Find out more about how Academic Families can help your child succeed at school by organising academic support.

This article appears in the following categories  Boarding School Life, Courses & Exams, Education Systems

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