Well Being During Lockdown

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Well Being During Lockdown

We have all become quite used to lockdown but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a challenge – especially missing friends, exercise and school’s busy routine.  Staying happy and positive can sometimes be a challenge so, as half term gives us a break of sorts, it is a good time to reassess our own personal well being.  Remember that your Academic Families team continues to support you as if you were at school in the UK so contact us for a chat – we’d love to hear from you.

We have some top tips on areas to focus on to help you stay upbeat and improve your well being during lockdown. You may be doing some of these things already – well done if you are!

A good sleep pattern

Make sure you are keeping to a routine each day especially during the week when you have a busy online learning day. Ensure you have the recommended good quality sleep – the National Sleep Foundation recommendations vary with age.  Are you sleeping long enough? Oh, for the record this doesn’t mean long lies because you were up late!

If sleep doesn’t come to you easily then try relaxing by doing something that does NOT involve any digital devices – read a book, chat, relax in the bath. Your bedroom should be an electronics free zone and a comfortable temperature. Here are some more top tips and a few myths about sleeping and how to get the best night’s rest.

Physical activity

It is very important that everyone has at least one hour’s daily physical activity which was easy at school but may be more challenging for you now.  However, it is important especially as it helps our bodies sleep at bedtime. Exercise promotes chemicals in our brains which make us feel good. School will have set you activity challenges so be sure to join and ace them!

Not everyone enjoys active sports however, there are many different forms of exercise and lots of free online classes that you can join during lockdown.  Keeping active is a great opportunity for your family to have fun together.  Lots of British families have been enjoying the Joe Wicks morning PE classes. Oti Mabuse from Strictly Come Dancing is also offering classes online. If you would also, like to try some yoga then check out Adriene.  If you’re lucky you may have a basketball hoop or a good wall to practise hitting tennis balls. With few cars on the road, you can even mark out a badminton court with masking tape on your drive or quiet residential street.  Be creative to get your heart pumping fast!

Food and drink

Without your usual daily routine, it can be easy to slip into a snacking routine – try to stick to 3 meals and one morning and one afternoon snack and choose healthy options. There is a saying that we are what we eat – the food we eat can affect our mood and often how we behave so try to eat healthily with only occasional treats at break time.

There are some great recipes online and if you’re missing healthy British meals then Jamie Oliver has lots of simple recipes. Preparing meals together a s a family is another great bonding time before eating together.

Stay hydrated – drinking lots of water is also good for you, it is recommended that you drink 6 – 8 glasses each day. Watch out for caffeine in tea, coffee and cola as it can can make you feel anxious and disturb your sleep.

Wow – exercise, food and drink can all affect your sleep!

Family and friends

Keeping connected is important, so don’t be late to log in to your school tutor time so you can catch up with all your classmates online. Obviously it’s not as good as playing football or hanging out in the common room but it’s great to hear their voices and see their faces as well as their new long hair styles!

Once you’ve finished your online learning, there are so many ways to catch up digitally but you may find it challenging if some platforms are banned in your pal’s country and of course you may be half a day’s time apart which will be interesting!  You should be an expert on time zones soon if not already!

Lots of people are enjoying catching up with relatives and old friends so don’t forget friends outside of your school pals.  Zoom is so easy for everyone but remember to stay safe online and be sure your parents know who you are connecting with.

Talk about your feelings

There is the saying that ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’ so don’t be afraid to talk about your feelings. When choosing who to open up to, be sure it is someone you trust.  Think about the people you know are good listeners – there are lots – your school houseparent, tutor, favourite teacher, relative, friend and of course Sophie and the Academic Families team – maybe different people are better listeners with different things – have a think and if you want some advice then contact Sophie. If you prefer to talk to someone you don’t know then Kooth online is a great support.

Be kind to yourself

It’s challenge for everyone to adapt to our current situation so don’t put yourself under pressure to achieve as much as you might have done before lockdown.

Everybody needs some ‘me time’ and we all enjoy doing different things during our special time to relax. You might chose to read a book, draw or sketch, play or listen to music, watch a film or comedy to make you laugh, sit outside and listening to the sounds of nature, go for a walk….. Whatever you choose, take time each day to be kind to yourself.  Don’t feel guilty about looking after your own well being as it is very important especially during lockdown. If you want to try some meditation or relaxation then check out Headspace or Calm

So there we are – some great tips to support your well being during lockdown!  Nourish and exercise your body well, chat to friends and family and share any worries you may have, take time for yourself and do your best to sleep well. Lots to keep you busy so no chance of being bored!

Stay safe and well and contact your Academic Families team for a chat any time.

This article appears in the following categories  Guardianship, Students

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