Which are the Best International Boarding Schools?

Boarding schools are renowned for the high quality of their education systems.
Below you'll find detailed profiles for a selection of global boarding schools we are proud to work with.

Fettes College

Choosing the right boarding school for your child

With hundreds of boarding schools around the world, there is an endless variety of specialisms and styles to choose from.

Although they all offer a quality education, not every boarding school will suit your child. Our team works with a range of boarding schools and we can help you find the school where your child can flourish.

Academic Families is based in the UK and we regularly meet with pupils and parents as well as boarding and academic staff. We’re on a first-name basis with many staff members at boarding schools throughout the UK and globally, and we understand what they are looking for when they evaluate student applications.

Click on each school below and get to know our boarding school partners

TIP!  Come back and check this page often, as we're adding more great boarding schools regularly.

Finding the best boarding school for your child

It’s best to begin looking for a school about 18 months before enrolment, but late applications can still be placed.

Your first step is to contact us so we can begin learning more about what you are looking for, and then create a customised plan just for you.

Students in Boarding School class

Our admissions process

Academic Families works with a range of educational institutions across the world and we help families just like yours every day.

We understand how the boarding school admissions process works and our team is eager to show you what to expect along the way.

In addition to boarding school placement, we also advise on short courses and university applications - helping your child throughout every stage of his or her academic journey.

Whatever your child’s interests and abilities, there will be a school just right for them - let us help you find it!

Our 7 step process to enrol your child in a boarding school

Our Admissions Specialist will schedule a video call with you and your child to review your registration. We will cover two main areas:

The Basics

  • We will explain the boarding school selection and application process.
  • We will get to know you, your child’s strengths, personality and academic needs.
  • We’ll ask for a colour copy of your child's passport.


  • You will be able to upload 2 recent school reports for our review.
  • We may ask your child to take our online assessments so we can confirm their academic ability.
  • We can also make recommendations if we think your child's applications would benefit from some extra tutoring support.

We carefully select the best matched schools that fit your requirements.

Together, we will discuss the matched schools and revise our suggestions if needed.

Your final list will include 3 to 5 schools to apply to.

Once we receive your payment for each school’s registration fees and our administration fee, we will take care of the next steps.

We complete each school's registration forms for you and we will make arrangements for school assessments.

We provide you with tips and interview practice sessions as your child gets ready for each school assessment and video interview.

Congratulations! Together, we’ll help you review offers and confirm your preferred boarding school.

Academic Families will inform each school of your decision.

You will then secure your child’s place by paying the deposit to your chosen boarding school.

We offer two more support services to complete the process of successfully enrolling in a UK boarding school:

Student visas for the UK

  • Our Immigration Specialist can review your documentation to facilitate a successful student visa application.

Guardianship for international students

  • To ensure your child is safe and receiving the highest quality support, most boarding schools recommend you appoint a guardian which is accredited by AEGIS (Association for the Education and Guardianship of International Students) or BSA (Boarding Schools' Association).
  • Academic Families is one of the few companies that has dual accreditation, which provides for the utmost protection and support for your child.

A member of our UK Guardianship Team will contact you to explain all the guardianship services we provide to ensure your child is safe, happy and successful throughout their time at a British boarding school.

Quality you can trust

Academic Families has both personal and professional experience with boarding schools which extends back to our days when some of our staff were students, all the way through to sending our own children to UK boarding schools.

Most of us are mothers and have also lived overseas, so we understand how important it is to find the very best education for every child no matter where that might be in the world.

Many members of our team have also taught in boarding schools and managed international schools abroad. Today, we regularly visit hundreds of schools across the country and we look after international student boarders throughout the UK.

Our excellent knowledge of the UK education system and British Council agent qualifications means we understand UK boarding education from the inside and out, and know how to match the right school to your child.

In addition, our guardianship service is fully accredited by AEGIS (the Association for the Education and Guardianship of International Students) so you know your child will have the best local support anywhere in the UK.

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