Ackworth School

Academic Families works with more than 450 schools throughout the UK, and we have become experts at matching children to the right boarding school for them in order to ensure each student thrives.


We're delighted to present one of our partner schools:
Aysgarth Prep School in North Yorkshire, England.


About Aysgarth School

Mission statement

“Aysgarth provides its pupils with the opportunity to develop into confident, ambitious and resilient children who will thrive here, at their next school and in the wider world.”


Aysgarth is a standalone prep school - taking pride in the fact it's not a feeder school, it signposts and supports families to choose the right senior school for their child. 35% or more annual leavers have consistently achieved scholarships -  in 2018 it was nearly 50%. 

Aysgarth's pupils benefit from a full and varied curriculum which continues with evening activities until 8pm on weekdays and 4pm on Saturdays.

Activities & sports

Music is at the heart and soul of Aysgarth. It is a subject that is exceptionally popular and the school enjoys starting the day by singing a hymn in the chapel accompanied by the magnificent pipe organ. Every Saturday starts with CONGO which is congregational hymn practice to ensure the pupils are familiar with the hymns for the week ahead and especially the hymns for Sunday Service. Over 80% of the boys learn a musical instrument. Singing lessons are popular too, all of the Year 7 pupils in the senior choir take individual singing lessons. All pupils are given a timetabled daily music practice session of 30 minutes. 

There are regular visitors to the school to work with and inspire the pupils, including well-known vocal coaches and senior school instrumental ensembles. The department's links with feeder school music departments are very strong and we have recently done music workshops with Shrewsbury School and Ampleforth College.

International student community

With over 85% of pupils boarding to some extent, geography is not a limitation to accessing Aysgarth’s excellent education. Small classes ensure that in lesson time, the subject teacher can provide additional language support if required. This coupled with wonderful individual and bespoke timetabled EAL, led the school to see fantastic and quick progression in language.

Boarding life

Aysgarth is a boarding school first and foremost, with day pupils being a minority. The school strongly believes in the value of a boarding community to develop a child in every aspect. Aysgarth highlights the success of its boarding facilities through the uptick of boarders throughout the academic year. Last year, in September, the school had one full boarder in Form 1 and by the Spring term, every pupil was boarding to some extent.

Aysgarth's success in boarding comes from treating students as individuals and caring about their well-being first before anything else. The school ensure students are happy and involved with the many enrichment activities on offer. Weekends are jam-packed with events such as team building, drama, cooking, riding, high ropes courses, tenpin bowling, laserquest, trampolining, climbing, shooting, sports activities, surfing, archery, fishing and art.


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