
University Guardianship

Our AEGIS guardianship service includes all the support you will be required to have for your university application


University Guardianship

Confirmation LetterConfirmation of AEGIS Guardianship to support university application
Under 18sAEGIS Guardianship satisfies UK university and visa requirements
24/7 Support24/7 support during an emergency
Termly CallTermly phone call to check all is good
UK Point of ContactAct on behalf of your parents in an emergency
UK TransfersAdvise appropriate UK travel transfers
Airport AssistanceArrival/Departure escort - Security, Passport Control, Baggage and change terminal. Airside escort from plane door to transfer flight or taxi. Landside Check-in and escort to departure gate.✓ £
Emergency CashTransfer to your bank account or a RBS/NatWest ATM✓ £
English ReviewEssays and dissertations reviewed to ensure good English and grammar✓ £

✓ £ - prices available on request

Guardianship Fee Schedule

Registration FeeOne off payment for all new students£295
Guardianship FeeEach part or full term until 18th birthday£100
Expense Account£300

Definitions and Payment Terms
Registration Fee is a single payment for all new student registrations.

Guardianship Fee is the termly payment invoiced in advance for the total number of terms required.

Expense Account is held on your behalf to offset any additional expenses incurred as outlined in the Expenses Schedule.

Expenses Account final balance will be reimbursed at the end of your Guardianship.

Fees will be invoiced in advance prior to the start of each academic year.

Additional support services will be invoiced in advance of service provision.

Full and exact payment should be received within 10 working days of invoice date.  The Guardianship Confirmation letter will only be issued when payment has been received.

Payments should be made using Flywire – the non £ currency service provider - using your non £ debit and credit card or local bank transfer.

UK VAT applies to fees but not expense account.

Cancelation notice period for Guardianship is one full term’s notice in writing to info@academicfamilies.com

Booked 3rd party services are subject to 3rd party terms and conditions.


British Council
UK English Partner Agency
MHFA England

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